Everything you need to know about Sushi Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)
Q: What is DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) on Sushi?
A: Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) on Sushi is a strategy that allows you to automate the purchase or sale of tokens at regular intervals over a specified period, helping you to mitigate risk and reduce the impact of market volatility.
Q: How do I set up a DCA order on Sushi?
A: To set up a DCA order, go to the Sushi interface and select the token pair you want to trade. Enter the total amount you wish to allocate for DCA, then set the frequency (e.g., every 5 days) and duration (e.g., over 6 intervals). Confirm the details and click "Place order" to start the DCA. Your trades will automatically execute based on your chosen schedule.
Example: 300 USDT is being gradually exchanged for approximately 506 SUSHI tokens over six intervals, with trades of 50 USDT each occurring every five days.
Q: Can I adjust or cancel my DCA order on Sushi?
A: Yes, you can cancel your DCA order at any time before the scheduled trades are executed, however you can’t modify it. Simply navigate to your active DCA orders and choose the options to adjust or cancel.
Q: Is there a fee for using DCA on Sushi?
A: DCA orders on Sushi incur the standard trading fees and the 0.25% UI fee for each trade executed as part of the DCA strategy. Make sure to review the fee structure for DCA before placing your order.
Q: Is the Limit Order feature available on all networks?
A: As of now, the Limit Order feature is in a beta release and is available on the Arbitrum, Base and Ethereum networks. We plan to roll out this feature on more networks in the future, so stay tuned for updates.
Q: What does "powered by Orbs" mean under the Sushi's DCA feature?
A: "Powered by Orbs" indicates that the DCA feature on Sushi is built using technology provided by the Orbs network. Orbs is a decentralized infrastructure layer that enables smart contracts and other blockchain applications to execute more efficiently and securely. In this case, Orbs supports the automation and execution of the DCA orders on Sushi, ensuring they are processed smoothly and reliably on the blockchain.