If you have staked a v2 position into a yield farm previously and are now unable to find it you can go to https://deprecated.sushi.com/farms to withdraw and harvest from them.
In the event that you aare unable to, you can easily call a withdraw by using a block explorer to directly interact with the contract that is handling your funds.
SLP token deposits are handled by one of three types of smart contracts. On Ethereum it will either be MasterChefv1 or v2. Otherwise it will be a MiniChef, with a different deployment address for each chain. Contract addresses can be found via https://dev.sushi.com/docs/Developers/Deployment%20Addresses. Some block explorers may look different depending on the network that you are using, but they generally all operate the same way.
To see which farming contract your SLP is staked into, check your initial deposit transaction and see what contract it calls upon.

Withdrawing From Your Farms
Connect your wallet to the block explorer site you are using. You will need three different parts of information to withdraw your funds. They can all be found in the transaction where you staked your SLP tokens into the farming contract via the 'data' section towards the bottom of the transaction.
- pid (uint256): Pair ID of your SLP tokens (a whole number such as 3, 23, or 35)
- amount (uint256): Token amount you wish to withdraw, without decimals in terms of wei. You can convert the amount to wei by using a unit converter.
- to (address): Your own wallet address
With this information, go to function '#16.withdrawAndHarvest'. In some circumstances where the harvest function is preventing transactions from being launched you may need to use '#15.withdraw' instead to work around the issue.
Using the 'emergencyWithdraw' will forfiet earned rewards that have yet to be harvested from the farm, so this is advised against using.
When you have all the relevant information entered, you can click the 'Write' button to create a withdraw transaction in your wallet. If gas prices are projected to be unusually high, then there is an error in your inputs.

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