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Sushi Multi-Chain Feast Campaign is now live!

Win a “Core x Sushi 💣 Bomb Diggity💥 NFT and share $7,500 in $CORE

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Get ready for the Sushi Multi-Chain Feast Campaign!

Sushi v3 Concentrated Liquidity has been deployed on more blockchains than any other protocol, making it the leading Multi-chain DEX with nearly 30 networks deployed.

As a master of multi-chain, our “Multichain Sensei" will take us on a Sushi Multi-chain Feast! Partnering with Galxe, Sushi will launch a series of campaigns every time Sushi is deployed on a new network in the next few months, making it a fun and rewarding multi-chain DEXperience!

We are excited to launch the campaign with Core - the Bitcoin hash-powered, EVM compatible Layer 1 that Sushi has just deployed on!

Sushi X Core

Sushi x CORE.png

Sushi is live on Core!

Sushi v3 AMM, along with the built-in Sushi DEX Aggregator, has been successfully deployed on Core, making Sushi the largest DEX on the network. Presently, v3 is operational on more than 20 networks, including Ethereum, Avalanche, and Polygon, making Core the latest addition to the Bitcoin ecosystem network. This integration aims to provide developers within the Core ecosystem with access to SushiSwap's liquidity pools, the Sushi DEX aggregator, and cross-chain swaps, SushiXSwap, supporting Core, which will be coming soon.

Core x Sushi 💣 Bomb Diggity💥 NFT with $7,500 in $CORE up for grabs

To celebrate the integration, we will run a 2 weeks campaign on Glaxe. Users can complete task to receive a limited edition NFT, and 150 lucky winners will be randomly selected to share the $7,500 prize pool in $CORE 🔥 See quick summary below:


2023/08/02 00:00 - 2023/08/18 00:00 GMT+08:00

Task Required:

  • Follow Sushi on Twitter
  • Follow Core on Twitter
  • Like the announcement tweet
  • Retweet the announcement tweet
  • Swap at least $10 of any tokens on Core via Sushi
  • Add at least $10 of any pool on Core via Sushi

Visit the Galxe campaign page to join.

Tutorial: Learn how to bridge assets, Swap & LP on Core via Sushi Sushi: Link

The Menu: More engagement, more surprises!

By completing tasks, you’ll earn NFTs as rewards for your engagement throughout the "Sushi Multi-Chain Feast" campaign. There are 3 types of NFTs, with more to come.

1. Sushi Bomb Diggity NFT:
Complete all the required tasks for each chain deployment to receive a Sushi Bomb Diggity NFT, presented on a beautifully designed sushi plate! You might receive a surprise attached to the Sushi Delight NFT after each campaign.


2. Sushi Guru NFT:
Collect all Sushi Bomb Diggity NFT (more dishes to be introduced in the coming months) to earn the Sushi Connoisseur NFT throughout the “Sushi Multi-chain Feast” campaign period. This NFT will be unlocked after successfully collecting the whole series in the months to come.

3. Sushi LFG NFT:
Random campaigns will be run to airdropSushi LFG NFTEaster Egg NFTs to the most passionate community members! Consider these as lucky draws, boosters, or both, so be sure to stay tuned!


How to join?

Simply visit this link and follow the instruction on Galxe website!

Campaign collection on Galxe: Link

Get in now to enjoy fun and rewarding multi-chain DEXperience!

Sushi is building a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem! Follow our socials to keep up with our product launches and find out more on how you can make the most of your cryptocurrency assets with Sushi’s secure and powerful DeFi tools!

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